




劉宜君博士 (Dr.Liu, I-chun)











分機 72623


一、期刊論文 (Referred Publications)

Liu, I-Chun & Sayer, Peter. (2016). Reconciling Pedagogical Beliefs and Teaching Practices: Chinese Teachers and the Pressures of a U.S. High School Foreign Language Context. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 6(1), 1-17.

劉宜君、曾金金. (2016). 以多元教學評量提昇國際漢語教師對教學理論的了解與認知. 國際漢語教學研究 (2),78-87頁。

二、專書及專書論文 (Books)

Liu, I-Chun. (2012). The Relationship between Pedagogical Beliefs and Teacher Efficacy: A Case Study of Chinese Foreign Language Teachers in Texas. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at San Antonio. 論文委員: Peter Sayer (Chair), Wayne Wright, Patricia Sanchez, Yea-Fen Chen.

三、研討會論文 (Conference Proceedings)

劉宜君、呂慧慈(2018),探討美國沉浸式中文教學之發展近況與其產生之相關議題。 第十七屆台灣華語文教學年會暨學術研討會,12/21-12/23, 2018,台灣:東華大學。


劉宜君、陳杰妤(2018),以分析漢語學習者對教材中文化主題的需求探討文化在漢語作為第二語言習得中扮演之角色。第五屆漢語作為第二語言研究國際研討會。6/14-6/16, 2018,香港。


劉宜君、吳玉君(2017)。對外華語師資教學與溝通能力培訓:同步與非同步遠距教學互動研究。全文收錄於「第16屆台灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會」。 12/22-24, 2017,新竹,台灣。

劉宜君(2017)。以個案分析的教學實習方式精進華語職前教師專業與教學策略。全文收錄於「第十二屆世界華語文教學研討會」。 12/14-17, 2017,南投,台灣。

劉宜君(2015)。探討文化於今日華語教材中的設計與呈現方式及其可能對語言習得與認知的影響。全文收錄於第十四屆台灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會。 12/25-27, 2015,台東,台灣。

劉宜君(2015) 。以協同教學及跨國線上合作方式提昇新竹在地華語教師的專業. 全文收錄於第二屆竹塹學國際學術研討會。11/13-15, 2015,新竹,台灣。

劉宜君(2015) 探討如何建立有效的華語教學實習模式 – 以Bandura之自我效能理論為原則. 全文收錄於第四屆華文作為第二語言之教與學國際研討會。 9/9-10, 2015,新加坡。

劉宜君(2014) 如何以多元教學評量協助語言教師結合漢語教學理論與實際的語言教學。全文收錄於第八屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會。6/12-13, 2014,台北。

四、研討會發表 (Conference Presentations)

劉宜君(2017)。結合博客以及線上教學提升漢語學習者的學習效能。第五屆國際學校華語教育研討會暨工作坊。 11/30-12/02, 2017,常熟,中國。

劉宜君(2017)。中國人含蓄地愛情表達。第三屆中文教育創新論壇(The Third Chinese Innovation Forum) 10/07, 2017University of WashingtonSeattle, USA.

Liu, I-Chun. (2016). “Developing Intercultural Competence through Cultural Videos Making.” 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT) , 2016年4月15-16日, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, I-Chun. (2016). “English as a medium of instruction in foreign language teacher education” The Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA), Melbourne, Australia, 2016年4月7-11日, Perth, Western Australia.

Liu, I-Chun. (2015) “A Model of Teaching Practice for Enhancing Pre-service Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs through Collaboration and Use of Technology”第九屆全球華文網路教育研討會 The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (ICICE 2015), 2015年6月19 - 21日, MIT, MA, USA.

Liu, I-Chun. (2014) “Effects of the Use of Online Project on ELLs’ Communicative Competence” The Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA), Melbourne, Australia.

Liu, I-Chun. (2013) “How ecological factors associate with CFL teachers' pedagogical and efficacy beliefs?” Binational Research Colloquium Educational Linguistics & Language Education in the 21st Century, San Antonio, TX.

Liu, I-Chun. (2012) “Perceived Role of Radicals in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language” Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Liu, I-Chun. (2012) “Chinese Language Learners’ Motivation and Perception of Effectiveness of Instruction” 2nd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research, Taipei, Taiwan.

Liu, I-Chun. (2012) “Perceived Effectiveness of Chinese Instruction between Teachers and Students” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, PA.

Liu, I-Chun. (2011) “The Relationship between Teacher Efficacy and Cultural Receptivity” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Denver, CO.

Liu, I-Chun. (2011) “The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Pedagogical Beliefs: A Study of Chinese Language Teachers” National Council of Less Common Taught Languages, Madison, WI.

Liu, I-Chun. (2010) “The Role of Self-efficacy Beliefs in Learning Chinese as a Second Language” Second Language Research Forum, University of Maryland.

Liu, I-Chun. (2010) “Self-efficacy in Learning Chinese as a Second Language” Second Language Acquisition of Chinese, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Liu, I-Chun. (2010) “Construct Students’ Communicative Competence through Biliteracy Practice ” SAAABE Annual Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.



2018 擔任美國外語協會年會(ACTFL, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Heritage Sig類評委

2016 擔任新加坡《華文學刊》評委

六、研究計畫(Research Projects)


2017.08-2018.07.31 「精進師資素質及特色發展計畫」案,教育部。

2015.08-2017.01.31 「立基華人 - 邁向卓越性華語文教學師資計畫」案,教育部。

2014.06.29-2013.07.14 「103年紐澳地區海外華文教師研習會」案,僑委會。

2014.06.29-2013.07.14 「103年紐澳地區海外華文教師研習會」案,僑委會。



2013.05. 美國高中中文教學教師的教學信念及影響其教學品質的因素探討. 台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所.

八、榮譽 (Awards and Scholarships)

2008-2012  University Graduate Fellowship, the University of Texas at San Antonio (學術獎學金)

2010  Scholarship of curriculum design for Consortium of Texas Chinese Language Institutes (中文課程設計獎學金)

2009-10  BBL Department Nominee, University Teaching Fellowship Award, UTSA (教學優異學術獎學金提名)

2009  “International Education Financial Aid Fund”, awarded by the Office of International Programs at the UTSA (國際教學獎學金)

2007    University Graduate Fellowship, the Southern Illinois University (學術獎學金)  

九、工作坊 (Workshops)

2016.05.18 「詞彙教學與活動設計」, 台北協和&祐德高中教師研習會

2016.03.17 「翻轉教學與活動設計」, 宜蘭蘇澳海事教師研習會

2016.01.14 「教學活動設計」, 桃園永平高商教師研習會

2014.12.20 「英文教學活動設計」及「多媒體教學」, 新竹內思高工研習會

2014.11.18 「教學分享的活動與平台」, 宜蘭中道中學教學研習會

2014.10.24 「多媒體與語言教學」,桃園北區教師研習營, 桃園中壢家商

2014.07-08 「多媒體與文化教學應用」,海外華語教師來台研習團, 國立成功大學文學院華語中心


2013, “International Conference of Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language” 主題:測驗與評量,共同主持人: 許長謨教授


十一、專業學術組織會員(Professional Memberships )

台華會, Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL), American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


2018.1 對外華語文化教材編寫體例評估與分析,陳杰妤。

2017.10 從人倫角色關係詞端看兩岸華人家庭互動:以父母與子女的互動關係為例,陳姿惠。

2017.7 漢、韓四字成語之對比與使用偏誤分析及成語教學建議 - 以中、高級韓籍華語學習者為對象,張筱儀。
